J. Brent Dunn Company
Financial Conversion Calculators
Unit Conversion Calculators
Active Item
Article: Handling Quality Problems
A generl overview of complaint handling for paper claims.
Active Item
Form: Quality Report - Printability Issues
This form should be used to report and collect information relating to printability issues.
Active Item
Form: Quality Report - Transportation
Use this form to report and collect the information relating to transportation claims.
Active Item
Spreadsheet: Paper unit and Pricing Calculations
This spreadsheet contains the most used paper math conversion formulas for units and pricing. You can download this and put it on your computer so that it will not be necessary to connect to my website each time you want to convert an item. In newer versions of Excel, you may have to click on "enable editing" before you will be able to enter data. If you download it to your computer, it should work without having to give permission to edit the file.